The family is the smallest unit of a society. If families are well and functioning good the nation shall be blessed. A healthy family is a result of two healthy people coming together and living together. They should be spiritually, emotionally, intellectually, and socially healthy. It is so important that each spouse be committed unto the Lord Jesus Christ so that they will be committed to each other.
When Christ is given the due honour and place in our families, He will take a greater role in ensuring the health and stability of the family. Since the family is also a training ground for future generations, it becomes all the more vital that our families are spiritually nourished and protected. Praying together regularly, reading and meditating the scriptures, regularly attending Sunday Church services, being faithful in giving unto God in the form of tithes and offerings, and by being part of a small group fellowship, parents can tremendously draw a role
model for their children. When children grow up in such an atmosphere as mentioned above, they will become healthy adults who will carry forward the legacy of healthy families.
Pastor Sam Skaria,
New Life Fellowship Church, Bangalore